Block teaching is a style of teaching where the lectures are taught in an intensive block.
I done my 4 week internship in Government High School,Shristhal Canacona. In that school I delivered my 3 lessons that is sound,Heart - how it works?? (ICT Lesson) and Measurement of length (Lab Lesson)
This is the lesson plan for the topic Sound. To explain the concept of sound I had used different musical instruments, worksheets and chart. By using musical instruments chart I explained " sound is produced due to vibration of medium". I also performed one small experiment and used rubberband , steel ruler etc inorder to show vibrations of sound to the students.
ICT Lesson :- Heart - how it works??
This is the lesson plan for the topic Heart- how it works?? To explain the working of heart I had used model of heart, chart, different computer animations and video.First i explained to the students different heart parts and then working of heart. After the completion of lesson one student came forward and explained nicely the working of heart. It was my best lesson...
To see the video of working of heart, click the below link
Laboratory Lesson :- Measurement of length
This is the lesson plan for the topic Measurement of length. This is the lab lesson ,so first i had done the groups of students and explained them in groups. I had given them different sizes of boxes and told them to measure length, breadth of that by using ruler. Second experiment I drawn one curve line on a white paper and explained how to measure the length of a curve line using thread or string. I had given observation sheets to the students to write their observations.
Very good work!